St Mary's Vision
St Mary's is a church working to reach our community and the wider area with the good news of Jesus Christ.
The last few years have seen a number of changes at St Mary's as we have moved to being more motivated and equipped to make new disciples in East Leake and further afield. As a group of local Christians, meeting week by week, we aim to be:
A church that reaches out
We are convinced that the best news in the world is found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we believe that those who have been grasped by this good news will want to share it with those around them. To this end we work to equip our church members and develop their confidence in sharing the gospel with their friends and neighbours. We also run
courses during the year that are accessible and attractive to those exploring the Christian faith and we seek to use the opportunities given to us to speak persuasively for the truth, power and beauty of the message of hope found in Jesus Christ.
A church that nurtures disciples
Whether new to faith or well-established as a follower of Jesus, every Christian is called to grow in their knowledge, trust and love of God. As a leadership team we seek to support this spiritual development through faithful preaching from the Scriptures at our Sunday services and running occasional discipleship courses. We also strongly encourage church members to join a
Home Group where they can build supportive Christian relationships and delve deeper into the gospel and its outworking in our lives.
A church that cares for its members
As St Mary's grows, we remain committed to providing compassionate and Christ-centred pastoral care to members of our church community through all the seasons of life. This happens on an informal basis through the care that all Christians are called to offer to one another as disciples of Jesus, through Home Groups and the pastoral role that the leaders of these groups offer to those who attend, and through members of the
staff team.
A church that cares for its community
As Christians we are called to seek the wellbeing and common good of our local area. As such, St Mary's supports a number of local charities, plays an active role in many of the village events that happen through the year, and encourages its members to be a blessing to their wider community. The staff team also offers support to this community through ministry to the bereaved, and any who are in need of support and care.